Refining our design thinking

When 90+ people with creative minds and loads of willpower work together, three things are exceptionally important. A stringent structure. Facilitation skills. And a common vocabulary.
That’s why we spent two days with House of Sparks-consultant Fredrik Heghammar, who added new innovation techniques to our toolbox, and gave us practical coaching in facilitation and prototyping.
Stringent structure and creativity – how do they go together, one might ask. Well, the idea is to come up with – and test – ideas quickly, in order toevaluate them quickly. To shortcut the build and launch phases until the idea is really worth developing. How does one know when an idea is worth developing?
Well, firstly by involving people with different perspectives in the ideation process. And secondly by building really quick prototypes and asking the thought target audience to test them. Cause ideas are like children – you tend to like yourown the most.
All in all, a structured innovation process saves time and frustration, and raises the quality of the ideas to higher levels. We look forward to guiding our customers through this process soon!
Curious to know more? Contact me.